Magic: The Gathering lands deal for film and TV adaptions with Legendary Entertainment
EngadgetHasbro Entertainment and Legendary Entertainment have joined forces to bring Magic: The Gathering to the big and small screens. The pair have signed a licensing deal to create "a live-action feature film and television universe" inspired by the card game. First up will be a movie, with other media to follow, but that's all that's been revealed so far.
Longtime MTG fans might feel skeptical about this announcement, because this isn't the first time the intellectual property has been promised some kind of film or television adaptation. The card game's Fandom wiki page lists many of the proposed movie projects over the years. First up was a plan for multiple movies with Universal all the way back in 2008, which never yielded anything. Then Hasbro made an attempt at a movie with Twentieth Century Fox in 2014, but that was also never ...
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