Tech »  Topic »  Leica’s LUX grip is a pricey way to add camera controls to your iPhone

Leica’s LUX grip is a pricey way to add camera controls to your iPhone


Leica is mainly known for its high-end cameras, but it also makes smartphone camera lenses. Today, the company is announcing its new LUX grip for iPhone, designed to mimic the feel of a Leica camera. It weighs 120 grams and is designed for ambidextrous use.

The Leica LUX grip has a two-stage shutter for precise shots. There’s a button to change between shooting modes and another to choose from frequently-used functions that you can select using the Leica LUX app. A control dial is also there to make it easier to switch between settings like zoom, aperture and shutter speed. After 1,000 shots, the Leica LUX grip’s battery must be recharged via USB-C for two hours.

As mentioned, the app works with the grip, which communicates with the iPhone via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). In addition to customizing the button, the app includes bokeh effects from ...

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