Tech »  Topic »  Kansas Water Facility Switches to Manual Operations Following Cyberattack

Kansas Water Facility Switches to Manual Operations Following Cyberattack

Arkansas City, a small city in Kansas, says its water treatment facility was forced to switch to manual operations while a cybersecurity incident is being resolved.

The incident, described by local media as a cyberattack, was discovered on the morning of September 22 and led to precautionary measures being taken “to ensure plant operations remained secure”, the city announced in an incident notice.

According to city manager Randy Frazer, the water supply has not been affected and the incident has not caused disruption to service.

“Despite the incident, the water supply remains completely safe, and there has been no disruption to service. Out of caution, the water treatment facility has switched to manual operations while the situation is being resolved,” Frazer said.

He also noted that the city has full control of the situation and reassured residents that the drinking water is safe.

Arkansas City says it has notified the ...

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