JetZero aims to make commercial jets flatter (and more futuristic) by 2030
techspot.comForward-looking: While commercial aviation has made incredible strides in safety and efficiency over the decades, passenger jets have stubbornly adhered to the same fundamental tube-and-wing configuration for nearly a century. While this architecture has proven reliable, it is reaching the limits of its potential. With aviation contributing approximately 2.5% of global carbon emissions, many startups are now exploring radical alternatives.
One such company is JetZero, which, in partnership with engineering giants Siemens and Northrop Grumman, is developing a revolutionary passenger jet design that seamlessly blends the wings into the fuselage.
This concept, known as the "blended wing body," isn't entirely new. It was first proposed over a century ago by Russian aviator Nicolas Woevodsky. However, it has largely remained theoretical, appearing only in a handful of military drone designs.
Once conventional tube-and-wing airliners became the standard, the industry resisted change due to the challenges of certifying a new ...
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