Incremental Vertex Processing Boosts PageRank Update Efficiency on Dynamic Graphs
hackernoon.comDynamic Frontier enhances PageRank updates on evolving graphs by incrementally processing only the affected vertices after edge insertions or deletions. This approach minimizes computational overhead, outperforming Static, Naive-dynamic, and Dynamic Traversal methods by up to 7.8× on parallel systems. It achieves an average performance boost of 1.8× with each doubling of threads, making it highly efficient for large-scale, dynamic datasets.
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5.2 Performance of Dynamic Frontier PageRank
5.3 Strong Scaling of Dynamic Frontier PageRan
6 Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References
Parallel PageRank algorithm, Dynamic Frontier approach
PageRank [19] is an algorithm that measures the importance of nodes in a network by assigning numerical scores based on the structure of links. It finds applications in ...
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