Tech »  Topic »  I'm Buying These Must-Have Sleep Items From Cozy Earth While They're Up to 75% Off

I'm Buying These Must-Have Sleep Items From Cozy Earth While They're Up to 75% Off

When not writing up the best deals for CNET readers, Amber Guetebier writes about plants, gardening, folklore and pirates. She is the author of several books and currently writing several more.

Cozy Earth/CNET

Of all the resolutions I've made in the past, prioritizing a good night's sleep is the top of my list for 2025. Between work, family and the long to-do lists, by the end of the day sleep often eludes me. So this year, I'm taking the advice of CNET's sleep and wellness managing editor, Nasha Addarich Martínez, and creating a sleep sanctuary. And I'm starting with my bedding. One of CNET's favorite brands is Cozy Earth. Right now, it's having a "we made too much" sale that is bringing discounts by as much as 75% off. Here are the things I'm adding to my cart.

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