Tech »  Topic »  How You're Compromising Your Company's Cybersecurity Without Realizing It

How You're Compromising Your Company's Cybersecurity Without Realizing It

How You're Compromising Your Company's Cybersecurity Without Realizing It by @zacamos

Everyday behaviors you may not realize threaten cybersecurity include leaving your phone's Bluetooth on, leaving doors open, keeping cables unorganized, answering social media posts, and more.

Using strong, unique passwords or reporting strange links and invitations to download unfamiliar files are critical to maintaining cybersecurity. However, many other behaviors can unknowingly compromise your company’s and your own cybersecurity. Read on for 10 ways you may harm your employer’s digital reinforcements without realizing it.

1. Leaving Your Phone’s Bluetooth On

Bluetooth allows devices to connect without wires. It’s handy for listening to your playlist in your friend’s car, but it’s easy to forget to turn it off. Like Wi-Fi or other connections, Bluetooth can pose a cybersecurity risk.

Hackers can send spam messages with malicious links to get access to your ...

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