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How to get your grill ready for the outdoor season

Billy Steele/Engadget

Even if Punxsutawney Phil was correct, warm weather is still right around the corner. That means it’s time to prepare your outdoor space for maximum relaxation when temperatures begin to rise. Since this will likely include flexing your culinary muscle on the grill, now’s the time to do a deep clean so you’re ready for action.

I don’t blame you if you opted to let your grill hibernate during the winter months, but if that’s the case, it’ll probably need a tune-up before spring arrives. If you did keep the grill in working order over the last few months, this is a good time for a scrub and polish before warmer temperatures inspire heavy use. Here are a few tips and tricks that will hopefully make things easier.

Disassemble, scrub, reassemble

Billy Steele/Engadget
Billy Steele/Engadget

A good rule of ...

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