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How to Build a Data Dashboard Using Airbyte and Streamlit

How to Build a Data Dashboard Using Airbyte and Streamlit by @buzzpy

The data dashboard will show you the visualized data (you can customize these graphs) and update it automatically as the changes happen on the source file (i.e., Google Sheets in this case) The purpose of the dashboard is to get synchronized data for the visualization, yes yes, yes, the visualization of the data is the purpose of this tutorial.

Hello fellow developers!

Welcome to the Programming and Doodles blog, today, we’re going to build a dynamic data dashboard using Python, Airbyte, and Streamlit.

That means, if you have a dataset hosted somewhere like Google Sheets, and its values frequently change, this data dashboard will not only show you the visualized data (you can customize these graphs) but also update it automatically as the changes happen on the source file (i.e., Google Sheets in this case ...

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