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Here's Why You Should Stop Over-Apologizing at Work

Here's Why You Should Stop Over-Apologizing at Work by @vinitabansal

Saying sorry may seem polite, but apologizing even when it’s not required can hurt your image and credibility—you may come across as defensive and submissive.

Apologizing at work is necessary in certain situations. But what if, instead of saying sorry when it’s needed, you say it way too often?

I’m sorry to disturb you…

I’m sorry to ask you again, but…

I’m sorry for not responding sooner…

Saying sorry may seem polite, but apologizing even when it’s not required can hurt your image and credibility—you may come across as defensive, submissive, or someone who doesn't know what they’re doing.

Saying sorry isn’t about being kind to others or not having an ego, both of which are important qualities to have at work, it stems from a place of ...

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