Have a .gov email address? You can get Perplexity Pro free for a year - here's now
zdnet.comIf you're a government employee with a .gov email address, you can get a free year's use of a popular AI tool.
Perplexity is offering a free one-year subscription to Perplexity Pro to anyone with an official email address ending in .gov. This applies to not only federal employees, but state, county, and other local government workers.
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Activating the offer is simple, as all account holders with a .gov email will see a banner appear on their Perplexity homepage prompting them to redeem a free year of Perplexity Pro. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one from the Perplexity website for free by clicking on "Sign up."
"We're happy to offer Perplexity Pro free for one year to all American public servants ...
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