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Google Turns Your Activity History Into a Daily AI-Powered Podcast

Samantha Kelly is a freelance writer with a focus on consumer technology, AI, social media, Big Tech, emerging trends and how they impact our everyday lives. Her work has been featured on CNN, NBC, NPR, the BBC, Mashable and more.

The content and voices included in the 5-minutes-or-under episodes are created with generative AI. grinvalds/Getty Images

Google is turning your Discover and Search history into a personalized bite-sized podcast.

The company said on Thursday it is experimenting with a feature called "Daily Listen" within the Google app that creates personalized, AI-generated audio summaries of news updates based on your current Search and Discover activity. (Yes, those are different. Google Search delivers relevant results based on your search queries, while Google Discover creates a personalized content feed based on your interests and activity.)

New episodes, currently available only in English, will appear daily on your home screen within the app ...

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