Google Cloud Migration Center
google cloudblogOrganizations continue to adopt the public cloud to deliver better business and IT outcomes. However, migration — and modernization — is a complex, multifaceted challenge. It involves understanding the current state of infrastructure and applications to determine what the future state should look like and how to get there. And all this occurs across multiple stakeholders using myriad tools, processes, and implementation partners. But wait, don’t let that scare you off – we have good news, too!
Google Cloud Migration Center, a unified platform to help accelerate migration from current on-premises or cloud environments to Google Cloud, is designed to streamline your cloud journey with intelligent, data-driven insights and actionable recommendations. This will help you make critical decisions on the optimal migration and modernization pathways for your organization.
Migration Center lets you discover and assess both servers and databases, which are critical components of your IT infrastructure. In this blog we will ...
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