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Getting the Insights You Need: How to Conduct Customer Research for a Business

Getting the Insights You Need: How to Conduct Customer Research for a Business by @hamotyusuf

Conduct customer research in 6 easy steps. 1. Define research objectives 2. Identify your target audience 3. Identify the best way to reach your customers

What could be more refreshing than knowing your customers so well that you can predict their next move? As a marketer or a business owner, you know it is time-consuming to conduct customer research. And it could be costly depending on your research methodology. But you can't put off customer research, as it is crucial to growing and scaling your business.

Customer research helps to root out your customers' struggles, identify where they turn to for information when trying to solve their problems, identify their concerns regarding your product or service, and ultimately guide you on how to address these problems to increase conversion. In essence, customer research opens ...

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