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FBI, US Homeland Security Investigate Water Facility Cyberattack

No Disruption to Service; Manual Operations Implemented Prajeet Nair (@prajeetspeaks) • September 24, 2024

Traffic passes through downtown Arkansas City, Kansas, in June 2023. (Image: Shutterstock)

FBI and U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials arrived in Arkansas City, Kansas, to investigate a cyberattack at the city's water treatment facility that occurred Sunday morning.

See Also: Nudge Toolkit: Your Key to Enhanced Cybersecurity

The incident prompted the facility to switch to manual operations. Officials assured the public that the water supply remains safe and uninterrupted.

"There has been no disruption to service. Out of caution, the Water Treatment Facility has switched to manual operations while the situation is being resolved," said City Manager Randy Frazer.

Worries that hackers could tamper with the water supply gained urgency after a slew of incidents, including an Iranian attack last November against Israeli-made pressure-monitoring controllers used by American water systems (see: Internet-Exposed Water PLCs ...

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