Copilot invades Microsoft 365 Personal and Family for an extra three bucks a month is coming to Microsoft 365 Personal and Family, and Vulture Central has had some hands-on experience with the generative AI assistant's attempts to be helpful.
There is a price to be paid to have the generative AI assistant shoved into the personal productivity apps – an extra $3 per month.
Don't want Copilot, which also brings Microsoft Designer to M365, and don't want to pay? Microsoft says: "Existing subscribers with recurring billing enabled with Microsoft can switch to plans without Copilot or AI credits like our Basic plan, or, for a limited time, to new Personal Classic or Family Classic plans."
It adds that existing subscribers "won't experience the price increase" until their next renewal, but those on recurring billing will need to actively make the switch.
So it can be avoided, but the direction of travel is clear – evolved Clippy will be popping up on ...
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