Coming cyber executive order includes a push to mobile drivers licenses
nextgov.comThe draft order does not, however, tackle the full breadth of actions that were expected from a promised identity executive order that has yet to materialize.
A cybersecurity executive order expected in the final days of the Biden administration includes instructions for government agencies to ramp up their use of digital identity documents like mobile drivers licenses to verify the identities of people applying for public benefit programs, according to a draft obtained by Nextgov/FCW.
Deputy National Security Director for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technology Anne Neuberger told reporters yesterday that that administration has been working on “executive action” for seven months with the goal of “putting the next administration on the best possible foundation” in terms of cybersecurity.
“Until the president signs off,” however, it's not finalized, she noted. That sign-off is expected this week, per POLITICO reporting.
The inclusion of digital identity items may be welcome news ...
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