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Celonis research - business leaders begin to see process context as key to successful AI projects

When Celonis launched its AgentC suite of AI agent tools in October last year, the vendor argued that its object-centric approach to process mining, which essentially provides a contextual data layer across AI systems, will be key to enabling LLMs and successful generative AI use cases. Its view - which is also being put forward by other vendors in the market - is that in order for generative AI models to be useful, they need a deep contextual understanding of how an organization is operating.

This context can be provided, Celonis states, via its Process Intelligence Graph, which allows companies to map beyond single processes and essentially create a ‘digital twin’ of their organization. And this week Celonis has released some global research, carried out by an independent firm surveying 1,620 business leaders, working at firms with over $500 million in revenue, which suggests that enterprises are beginning to catch up ...

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