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Best Solar Panel Installation Companies in Rhode Island

For such a small state, Rhode Island has big plans for renewable energy -- and big ways to save on your power bill by installing rooftop solar panels. Rhode Island has an ambitious goal of supplying 100% of the state's electricity from renewable sources by 2033. This is a big undertaking due to the state's reliance on natural gas, which fueled 83% of its electricity generation in 2022, according to the US Energy Information Administration, the second largest share after Delaware.

"The interconnection queue here in Rhode Island is very high," Shauna Beland, the administrator of renewable energy programs with Rhode Island's Office of Energy Resources, told CNET. "We have quite a few projects in the queue not only for residential projects, but also for some of the larger-scale projects. So we're on track to meet that 2033 goal."

In order to reach its 100% renewable electricity ...

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