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Avoid global outages by partitioning cloud applications to reduce blast radius

Cloud applications like Google Workspace provide benefits such as collaboration, availability, security, and cost-efficiency. However, for cloud application developers, there’s a fundamental conflict between achieving high availability and the constant evolution of cloud applications. Changes to the application, such as new code, configuration updates, or infrastructure rearrangements, can introduce bugs and lead to outages. These risks pose a challenge for developers, who must balance stability and innovation while minimizing disruption to users.

Here on the Google Workspace Site Reliability Engineering team, we once moved a replica of Google Docs to a new data center because we needed extra capacity. But moving the associated data, which was vast, overloaded a key index in our database, restricting user ability to create new docs. Thankfully, we were able to identify the root cause and mitigate the problem quickly. Still, this experience convinced us of the need to reduce the risk of a ...

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