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Automattic and WP Engine go to war over WordPress trademarks and resources

A hot potato: The ongoing drama over WordPress and copyright is heating up. Automattic wants WP Engine to pay for using WordPress open-source technology. However, the hosting service demands that the for-profit company retract its accusations. Meanwhile, WP users are stuck in the middle, suffering the consequences.

Automattic CEO and former Lead Developer at WordPress Foundation Matt Mullenweg didn't mince words when he called WP Engine a "cancer" to the WordPress (WP) community. The company offers managed hosting services for WP websites. However, Mullenweg says it is profiting off one of the most successful content management systems (CMS) on the market while offering very little in return.

WP Engine already sent Automattic a cease-and-desist letter asking Mullenweg to stop depicting the company as a cancer and defended its right to use the "WordPress" trademark under the fair use doctrine. The domain host also revealed that Automattic asked for a ...

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