Aptera's Solar EV With Up To A 1,000-Mile Range Never Needs Plugged In
hothardware.comAfter what has been a very long gestational period, Aptera's promise of a production version Aptera Solar EV could be coming to fruition by year's end. If you don't mind driving around in a two-seater that looks like a cross between a duckbill and a cow tongue, the Aptera EV promises up to 1,000 miles of range and, more impressively, doesn't need to be recharged if your commute is under 40 miles per day thanks to efficient solar cells peppered throughout the vehicle.
California-based Aptera was at CES 2025 to show off its production-ready Apera EV, a concept that was first announced way back 2007. Over the course of that time, Aptera has faced technical problems and delays in getting the car into production stage, but customers and crowdfunders could finally see the EV shipping by the end of the year.
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