Tech »  Topic »  AMD promises “mainstream” 4K gaming with next-gen GPUs as current-gen GPU sales tank

AMD promises “mainstream” 4K gaming with next-gen GPUs as current-gen GPU sales tank

AMD announced its fourth-quarter earnings yesterday, and the numbers were mostly rosy: $7.7 billion in revenue and a 51 percent profit margin, compared to $6.2 billion and 47 percent a year ago. The biggest winner was the data center division, which made $3.9 billion thanks to Epyc server processors and Instinct AI accelerators, and Ryzen CPUs are also selling well, helping the company's client segment earn $2.3 billion.

But if you were looking for a dark spot, you'd find it in the company's gaming division, which earned a relatively small $563 million, down 59 percent from a year ago. AMD's Lisa Su blamed this on both dedicated graphics card sales and sales from the company's "semi-custom" chips (that is, the ones created specifically for game consoles like the Xbox and PlayStation).

Other data sources suggest that the response from GPU buyers ...

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