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8 iPhone Settings to Change Immediately After Installing 18.3

Jeff Carlson writes about photography and technology and is the author of dozens of how-to books covering a wide spectrum ranging from Apple devices and cameras to photo editing software and PalmPilots. He drinks a lot of coffee in Seattle.

Customize your iPhone's Control Center as much as you'd like in iOS 18. Jeff Carlson/CNET

Are you overwhelmed by the latest iOS update? That's perfectly normal. I've covered the iPhone since the beginning, so believe me when I say that there is a lot to its system software -- especially with the features and settings added in iOS 18.3. I've put together this collection of eight settings and features that flex what the new system and your iPhone are capable of.

Stay safe: Make sure you install the latest iOS 18.3.1 update that fixes bugs related to an "extremely sophisticated attack."

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