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2 Arrested in Takedown of Nulled, Cracked Hacking Forums

Two individuals have been arrested in the law enforcement operation against the notorious Nulled and Cracked cybercrime forums.

Reports of a takedown effort targeting the two hacking websites emerged earlier this week, when Nulled, Cracked and other sites associated with illegal activities started displaying a message informing visitors that they had been seized by law enforcement.

On Thursday, Europol and the US Justice Department confirmed that an operation — named Operation Talent and conducted January 28-30 — had targeted Nulled, Cracked and other cybercrime websites, with over a dozen domains being seized.

According to Europol, two suspects were arrested, seven properties were searched, and 17 servers and more than 50 electronic devices were seized. In addition, investigators seized roughly €300,000 ($310,000) in cash and cryptocurrencies.

Law enforcement agencies in the US, Australia, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece, and Romania took part in the operation.

The two suspects — an unnamed man ...

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