Regional »  Topic »  TRAI takes strong action against fake calls: Blocks 2.75 lakh mobile numbers

TRAI takes strong action against fake calls: Blocks 2.75 lakh mobile numbers

TRAI’s upcoming regulations demonstrate a strong commitment to reducing spam and protecting consumers from fake calls and messages. With stricter guidelines in place and substantial penalties for violators, the telecom industry is set to become more secure and trustworthy.

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has stepped up against the rising cases of fake calls. To combat this troublesome cybercrime like fake calls and messages, the authorities have further blocked around 2.75 lakh mobile numbers. They have blacklisted several telemarketing service providers as well. Here is a closer look at the recent developments and upcoming changes which got implemented by the regulations.

TRAI Cracks Down on Fake Telemarketing Calls and Messages

In a decisive move against unregistered telemarketers, TRAI has blocked 2.75 lakh mobile numbers used for fake calls and messages. The telecom regulator has been warning access service providers for months about the increasing issue ...

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