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The impact of 5G on digital transformation

Ajay Mathur

By Ajay Mathur, Senior Vice President, Telecom

The advent of 5G technology marks a remarkable milestone in the evolution of cellular networks. As the fifth generation of mobile technology, 5G follows a lineage that began with 1G in the 1980s. This latest iteration aims to connect devices, machines, and people through high-speed (data rates of up to 1Gbps shall be supported in some specific environments like indoor office spaces, while a minimum of 50Mbps shall be available everywhere) and low-latency data connections (10ms latency in general and 1ms for special cases). The potential of 5G technology lies in its capacity to revolutionise industries, enable innovative business models & services, and provide an unprecedented level of connectivity. In India, the availability of 5G saw substantial improvement in 2023, rising from 28.1% in Q1 to 52.0% in Q4 This highlights the rapid adoption of 5G, driven by the ...

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