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Revolutionising employee training: VR simulations vs. traditional methods

Dinesh Penugonda, Senior Data Analyst, DaveAI

The landscape of employee training has undergone significant changes over the years, evolving from traditional methods like classroom-based instruction and on-the-job training to more innovative approaches. Traditionally, companies relied on structured environments with instructors, physical training materials, and sometimes even travel to training locations. However, these methods often face challenges, such as limited scalability, high costs, and varying levels of engagement.

In recent years, VR has emerged as a revolutionary tool in employee training, offering a more immersive and interactive experience. VR training allows employees to engage in realistic simulations, improving retention rates and learning outcomes significantly. For instance, studies have shown that learners retain up to 75% of the material when trained through VR, compared to just 10% from reading and 5% from lectures. Moreover, VR can reduce training time by up to 50%, making it both an effective and efficient method for ...

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