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Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform expands its courses with three new cybersecurity topics

Kaspersky is proud to announce the launch of three new specialized topics within its leading platform, the Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform, aimed at improving employees’ cybersecurity skills. These new courses are designed to provide essential knowledge and practical skills to resist increasingly prevalent cyberthreats.

As the number of cyberattacks continues to grow, certain types are becoming ever more prevalent. Threat actors are increasingly targeting healthcare organizations, supply chains, and high-level business management in efforts to gain access to sensitive data and resources. For instance, according to the Kaspersky IT Security Economics report, supply chain resilience has emerged as a significant focus for IT security teams in 2023, with more businesses recognizing the need for greater oversight and control over their suppliers. Meanwhile, one company in the healthcare industry is reportedly experiencing an average of 18 incidents per year, while the sector’s security maturity and funds remain low.

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