Regional »  Topic »  Google to shut down inactive Gmail Accounts from September 20: Here's how to save yours

Google to shut down inactive Gmail Accounts from September 20: Here's how to save yours

With the deadline of September 20 approaching, make sure to log into your Gmail accounts to avoid losing access. Whether it's sending an email, watching a YouTube video, or simply logging in, these small actions can save your account from deactivation.

Google is set to close millions of inactive Gmail accounts, starting from September 20, so in case you have not used your account in a while, then you could be at risk. Google has introduced new rules for Gmail users and this step will further aim at freeing up space on its servers.

If you are using Gmail, here are a few things you need to know and how to keep your account safe.

Why is Google losing inactive Gmail accounts?

Google is reportedly taking action to close the inactive Gmail accounts which have been inactive for over 2 years. Many people, these days are habituated to creating ...

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