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Changing the traditional style of question paper creation: Revolutionizing examination through the digitized form

In the field of education, creating examination paper has long been a time consuming and demanding task for teachers or the school premises. Traditionally, creating question papers requires major manual effort, with multiple steps of composing, revising, and completing questions. The introduction of digitization is transforming this process, bringing a more complex method that improves efficiency and accuracy. This trend is mostly being driven by advancements in question bank management systems, which are changing the way examination papers are created and handled.

Previously, creating question papers required a lot of effort. Educators and examiners spend a substantial amount of effort rewriting curriculum-aligned questions, providing a fair distribution across different themes and levels of difficulty for students and bodies. The procedure entailed creating questions, assessing them for clarity and relevance, and then putting them together to constitute a full examination. This method was not only time consuming, but also prone to ...

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