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Amazon's colorful Kindle faces early setback in the US: Know what happened

The e-reader, launched to excitement, is showing a yellow bar along the bottom of the screen, affecting about 10 per cent of the display area. Users who received their units recently raised the issue, prompting Amazon to investigate and take action.

Amazon's much-anticipated Kindle Colorsoft e-reader has hit a roadblock in the United States market. The company made the decision to halt the shipments and sales of the device after the persistent issue which has been affecting multiple units. Early adopters of the Kindle Colorsoft have reported a noticeable yellow bar which has appeared at the bottom of the screen. This defect, which covers approximately 10 per cent of the display has significantly marred the user experience.

Amazon acknowledges the issue.

Amazon has reportedly acknowledged the problem and is investigating the root cause actively. To rectify the situation, the company has delayed the shipments of unshipped units to ensure ...

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