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Adobe Unveils Innovations in Adobe Experience Cloud for Brands to Personalise and Measure AI-generated Content

Adobe announced innovations across Adobe Experience Cloud that will empower brands to unlock greater value with AI-generated content and demonstrate business impact. As organisations embrace image and copy generation tools—from Adobe Firefly to Adobe Experience Manager—to assist in the ideation and refinement of marketing assets, the need to show return-on-investment has also heightened. Brands can address this by matching AI-generated content with customer preferences, while creating a feedback loop through actionable insights. These AI innovations address key pain points in brands’ content supply chains by ensuring that campaigns can be adjusted and optimised in real time.

Adobe’s latest solutions enable brands to drive greater performance and meet business goals for customer engagement. New offerings across Adobe Experience Cloud will enable teams to personalise, test and measure AI-generated content. With Adobe Content Analytics, actionable insights will pinpoint specific content attributes that resonate most with target audiences, informing what ...

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