Tech »  Topic »  Victims lose $70k to one single wallet-draining app on Google's Play Store

Victims lose $70k to one single wallet-draining app on Google's Play Store

The latest in a long line of cryptocurrency wallet-draining attacks has stolen $70,000 from people who downloaded a dodgy app in a single campaign researchers describe as a world-first.

A fraudulent app targeted web3 users on Google's Play Store, piggybacking on the name and reputation of the legitimate WalletConnect protocol, which is used for connecting decentralized applications and wallets. It also doesn't have an official app on the Play Store.

Of the total 150 or so victims of the app, CPR noted that only 20 bothered to leave a negative review on the Play Store...

Investigators at Check Point Research (CPR) said the app, which is called WalletConnect and used the open source project's official logo in the app tile image, is the first drainer of its kind to target mobile users exclusively.

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The attackers behind the app clearly knew their market ...

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