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Roblox to Add Age Restrictions for Social Hangouts and Unrated Experiences

Katelyn is a writer with CNET covering social media, AI and online services. She graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in media and journalism. You can often find her with a novel and an iced coffee during her time off.

Zooey Liao/CNET

Roblox is limiting its more interactive spaces and unrated games to teens and older users, according to the company's latest round of child safety updates announced this week. 

These updates mean that kids under 13 years old won't be able to access social hangout elements in games, which Roblox says includes "vibe games, clubs, socializing and supportive spaces where the primary theme or purpose of the experience is to communicate (e.g. in text or voice chat) with other users as yourself." It also prevents young gamers from accessing free-form creation tools. Gamers under the age of 13 ...

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