Tech »  Topic »  NIST Announces Award for Manufacturing Extension Center in Florida

NIST Announces Award for Manufacturing Extension Center in Florida

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has made a cooperative agreement award to operate a Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Center in Florida. The MEP Center will be operated by the awardee, FloridaMakes, Inc. The total anticipated funding over five years is $5,319,200.

NIST’s Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership program strengthens U.S. manufacturing by supporting 51 Centers across the 50 states and Puerto Rico. Through this program, more than 1,440 manufacturing experts provide hands-on technical expertise that addresses the critical needs of manufacturers in their states.

This funding opportunity, announced on April 30, 2024, was open to U.S.-based nonprofit institutions, institutions of higher education, state, United States territory, local, or tribal governments or a consortium. The awardee will sign a cooperative agreement for an initial performance period of up to five years and must meet a cost-share ...

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