Tech »  Topic »  First Mobile Crypto Drainer on Google Play Steals $70K from Users

First Mobile Crypto Drainer on Google Play Steals $70K from Users

A malicious app disguised as a legitimate WalletConnect tool targeted mobile users on Google Play. The app stole crypto assets from unsuspecting victims. Learn how to protect yourself from similar scams.

Check Point Research (CPR) has discovered the first-ever mobile crypto drainer app on Google Play, deceptively posing as the legitimate WalletConnect tool. The app targeted users directly on their mobile devices, stealing around $70,000 from at least 150 victims. This marks the first time a drainer has exclusively targeted mobile device users, using advanced social engineering tactics and sophisticated evasion techniques.

The fake crypto drainer and wallet app (Screenshot: CPR)

This app capitalized on the trusted name “WalletConnect,” a well-known protocol for connecting wallets to Decentralized Applications (dApps). By appearing as a genuine WalletConnect solution, it lured users who were struggling to connect their wallets to Web3 applications using traditional methods into installing it.

Once installed, the app ...

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