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What’s New in React19?

Recently, React released React19 Beta. It includes some exciting changes, updates, APIs, and hooks. This React 19 update article will cover some significant new hooks we need to understand, as well as reference code and working snapshots.


  • Introduction to React Compiler.
  • Document Metadata.
  • Automatic Re-rendering with the inbuilt memo, useMemo, and useCallback hooks.
  • API handling became more straightforward with the introduction of the use.
  • Actions: A new feature in React to interact with DOM elements.
  • forwardRef now becomes ref, and ref is a prop.
  • use(Context) instead of useContext().

This article will focus on the new hooks, updates to existing hooks, and APIs introduced in React 19. Additionally, we’ll publish a separate blog post specifically covering Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in React 19. SSR can be a complex topic for many React developers, especially since React is now integrated with Next.js for server-side rendering. Stay tuned for our ...

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