Tech »  Topic »  Researchers develop an automated benchmark for language-based task planners

Researchers develop an automated benchmark for language-based task planners

Case Study of Procedural Generation Following the Command: "Put a chilled apple in the microwave." Credit: Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI)

If instructed to "Place a cooled apple into the microwave," how would a robot respond? Initially, the robot would need to locate an apple, pick it up, find the refrigerator, open its door, and place the apple inside. Subsequently, it would close the refrigerator door, reopen it to retrieve the cooled apple, pick up the apple again, and close the door. Following this, the robot would need to locate the microwave, open its door, place the apple inside, and then close the microwave door.

Evaluating how well these steps are executed exemplifies the essence of benchmarking task planning AI technologies. It measures how effectively a robot can respond to commands and adhere to the specified procedures.

An Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) research team has developed a ...

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