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Dark Energy Camera Snaps Stunning Photo Of God’s Hand Reaching Across The Cosmos

An image captured by the Department of Energy-fabricated Dark Energy Camera (DECam) showcases cometary globule CG 4, better known as “God’s Hand,” reaching through the cosmos in magnificent detail. CG 4 lies about 1,300 light-years away, in the constellation Puppis, and is only one of many cometary globules within the vast Milky Way.

Cometary globules were first detected in 1974 from images taken with the UK Schmidt Telescope in Australia. The reason they were able to stay hidden away from astronomers for so long is the fact that they appear so faint. The celestial object’s tails are shrouded in dark stellar dust, which block most light from passing through. According to NOIRLab, with the aid of the Hydrogen-alpha filter, the DECam can detect the faint red glow of ionized hydrogen present within CG 4’s head and around its outer rim.

“God’s Hand” and other cometary ...

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